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Personal Branding and Career Coaching

Alekhya Sure

Americas Chief of Staff @ Dalberg

I entered Anita's office my sophomore year and immediately realized that she had an uncanny ability to recognize, distinguish, and articulate my strengths and experiences. Her method to "building a story" has allowed me to succeed at interviews, shine on career panels, and allowed me to advise others on their own professional development. I have found in Anita an excellent mentor and guide; she has allowed me opportunities to give back and become a mentor myself for juniors searching for jobs. Her wisdom is extensive and her dedication to her students is inspiring.

Anita - coat

You can do this.

I would be honored to help you.
Let’s talk.

Anita - coat

You can do this.

I would be honored to help you.
Let’s talk.

Anita - coat

You can do this.

I would be honored to help you.
Let’s talk.