Personal Branding and Career Coaching
Catherine Fuentes
Social Media at Google
To put it simply, Anita Stockmans is a compassionate, inspiring, and motivating counselor who goes above and beyond the call of duty time and time again. Anita realizes that finding a job isn't a black and white process of checking items off a to do list. Where Anita differs from most is that she embraces the gray area, and takes the time to get to know her clients to give more meaningful advice. Each of my conversations with Anita left me feeling motivated, inspired, and proud of myself and my accomplishments. She became beyond just a supporter and a mentor, and all of her regular check ins -- even emails just to make sure things were going well that week, or phone calls on days off -- made me feel like Anita was a friend of mine. You'll be hard pressed to find someone as warm, engaging, and at the top of their game as Anita. She is truly one of a kind, and I wholeheartedly believe everyone can benefit from working with her.