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Lori Von Alten


Anita with Brightstar Coach was an amazing stress relief for both me and my son. Having a college expert in our corner made all the difference in the world in decompressing the potential hostile environment between parent/child associated with the stressful application process. Anita helped my son position his application to the story of who he is through his essays, extra-curricular activities and letters of recommendation. She knew how to make my son rise to the top by helping him make good use of his core values and helping him craft the right application strategy for his college wish list. My son is very opinionated and not open to others reaching out to help him. Somehow, Anita was able to soften this resistance, recognize the strengths in his personality, views and values, and turn all of this into my son opening up to sharing his interests, goals and dreams with an open mind. Amazing!! My son was accepted to his dream engineering school. I would recommend Anita with the highest level of confidence!!!

Anita - coat

You can do this.

I would be honored to help you.
Let’s talk.

Anita - coat

You can do this.

I would be honored to help you.
Let’s talk.

Anita - coat

You can do this.

I would be honored to help you.
Let’s talk.