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Megan Shohfi


Anita is so much more than a college essay coach. She truly is one of the most creative and empowering people I have ever met and has pushed me to think about my life in ways I never had before. As intimidating as the college admissions process has been, with Anita's guidance, I've actually found joy in writing about my experiences in creative and unique ways. Anita is not only a great editor and brainstormer, but has instilled so much confidence in me that I know I will carry with me to the University of Michigan next year.

Anita - coat

You can do this.

I would be honored to help you.
Let’s talk.

Anita - coat

You can do this.

I would be honored to help you.
Let’s talk.

Anita - coat

You can do this.

I would be honored to help you.
Let’s talk.